Get inspired.
Do you also have a photo that we can post here?
"What can I wear over leggings?", "Which shoes look nice under those flare pants?", "I don't have a size S, so how do I combine those pants?"
These are questions I often get. That's why I'm looking for style inspiration. Do you want to help me and others with that?
Conditions photo[s]:
You are on it [with or without face]
Langeleggings can use your photo
You wear your favorite item from, combined with your own shoes and outerwear
Photos may be sent by email, Instagram tag or message via social media. When you send a photo, you agree to use the photo for online marketing purposes. Of course you can always have it removed by me.
Thank you:
As a thank you, I will send you a discount code worth 5 euros and your photo will receive a spot on this 'Wall of Langeleggingspiratie'